Other features in the program include file name encryption, automatic file wiping after deletion (up to the NSA-mandated seven times) and support for security tokens and smart cards. Securezip For Mac Free Download Flip4mac Wmv Player For Mac Download Wepresent Wipg 1000 Software Download For Mac Microsoft Office 2007 Free Download For Mac Full Version Star Office For Mac Free Download Pdf Reader For Mac Free Download Latest Internet. SecureZIP combines PKWARE’s industry-leading compression technology with strong encryption, allowing organizations to reduce data storage and transfer costs while ensuring the security of their information as it moves across hardware platforms, applications, mobile devices, and the cloud. “We conducted a survey at the RSA Conference in February that showed that while 86 percent of more than 100 respondents were very concerned or extremely concerned about their confidential personal information falling into the wrong hands, almost one-third admitted they don’t use any tools to ensure that the files they send and store are protected,” said Tim Kennedy, PKware’s chief operating officer, in a statement. The application also integrates with popular e-mail clients, such as Microsoft Corp.’s Outlook, to let users encrypt and digitally sign both the message body and any file attachments. SecureZIP Standard Version 11, which runs on Windows, supports passphrase- and digital signature-based encryption, or both simultaneously, said PKware. Tuesday began giving away its flagship desktop data encryption product, SecureZIP. High-performance encryption and compression software. Latest Product Updates - Support Center - PKWare PKZIP & SecureZIP.
PKware is giving away its flagship desktop data encryption product, SecureZIP. PKWARE Releases New Version of PKZIP for WindowsArchived October 15, 2007, at the Wayback Machine PKWARE Responses to Vista Readiness SecureZIP for i5/OS - FAQs PKWARE Announces Free-For-Life Simplified Personal Data Security Software PKWARE SecureZIP for Windows Desktop - v11. Per such agreement, your organization needs to have a current Software maintenance plan to be eligible to download, install, and use this Software update. PKware Doles Out Free Desktop Encryption Software The single user version of SecureZip is free - a price point PKWare sees as the keystone of its effort to make its program the standard for desktop encryption software. Download PKZIP Windows 64-bit Download PKZIP CLI (6.47 MB) 64-bit PKWARE offers the only data discovery and protection solution that locates and secures sensitive data to minimize organizational risks and costs, regardless of device or environment.